
Hi! My name is Maria Tamming and my passion lies with creating excellent experiences via marketing communication and service design. I believe that we all deserve to feel seen, heard and respected as a customer, service user or provider and I love solving problems.  Feel free to browse this site to get a better idea of who I am and what I do or just reach out if you would like to find out more.

About Maria

I have been working with marketing and communication for about 15 years in different countries and industries from India to Sweden, fashion to pharma and farming. Time really flies when you do what you love!

I enjoy creative work mixed with problem-solving and working with processes and systems as well as people. It’s all about designing great rewarding experiences for different stakeholders online and offline, and often combined.

Experienced in project management, agency management and leading cross-functional teams I also have lots of practice with topics like process and service design, branding, digital marketing for various channels, change management and training. My detail-oriented mind works to always improve efficiency and ensure high quality and consistency without losing track of the big picture.

My journey so far has taught me a lot and I love all the variety that my work offers. My years of experience and continuous learning have given me the competence to help you and your business succeed.

Visit my portfolio

Feel free to browse some examples of my work as a creative from hands on marketing to project management and leading process and service design. The newer projects are more strategic and further down you can see more operational marketing examples.


Contact me

My expertise is marketing communication with focus on digital and I will gladly hear what you need help with. I am sure that together we can create a good plan and make it happen.

Start by sending me an email:

Or browse around a bit more here or on my LinkedIn profile.